he PENN Spinfisher VI features IPX5 sealing so whether you dunk the reel in the surd, or let it ride in the spray
all the way home, you don't have to worry about saltwater getting into the gearbox or drag system.
Our HT-100 drag washers are housed in a fully sealed spool to give the stopping power needed for big saltwater fish.
A Full Metal Body and sideplate keep the CNC Gear System in precise alignment under heavy loads.
Modell m/ømm Übers. Einzug Kugell. Bremskr Gewicht
2500 0.23mm/235m 6:2.1 84,0 cm 5+1 6.8kg 303 g
3500 0.23mm/330m 6:2.1 94,0 cm 5+1 6.8kg 343 g
4500 0.25mm/390m 6.2:1 102,0 cm 5+1 9,0kg 303 g
5500 0.28 mm/390 m 5.6:1 99,0 cm 5+1 11.3kg 524 g
6500 0.33 mm/335 m 5.6:1 106,7 cm 5+1 13.6kg 623 g
7500 0.36 mm/450 m 4.7:1 96,5 cm 5+1 15.8kg 751 g
8500 0.46 mm/415 m 4.7:1 106,7 cm 5+1 18.1kg 802 g